Saturday, 14 December 2013

One quick update in before Christmas..................

Its been a bit busy this last week as we fine tune the last of our current investment before the year end.

Our investment portfolio is diversifying so too reduce the risk of having all our eggs in one basket,so if anything did happen to any specific individual investment although no one likes to loose any money but at least you can carry on.

Looking forward to 2014 is going to be a very 'exciting' year as we have put in a few investment that should show us some pretty amazing returns,i wont go into these specific investments at the moment but rest assured the returns are going to be very pleasing for us and way above inflation.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

As 2013 comes too a close........................

Well we are nearing the end of the year and what a up and down one it has been,well after we reached 50 odd websites at our peak,we decided too change direction and closed all the websites over the last 9 months,it was a shame to see so much work that we had put into these sites go but the returns on the investments in the site made it just not viable any longer.

I will say that over the last 5-6 we made some very good returns but it was good fun and a tremendous learning curve about online sales.

So we have been investing in property and land and widening our peer to peer lending which means that we are getting the same or higher returns as the websites but without any personal involvement or stress.

What is our investment strategy for 2014 well our plans are exactly the same basically as we are ending 2013 but just more so,if i was to be honest we started out wanting to grow ultra fast like the hare in the famous 'Hare and Tortoise' story but we have ended up like the Tortoise,will we succeed by going down the slower route ?? my answer is certainly yes.

I am not sure if we will be able to post again on the blog before Christmas,but if we dont i would like to wish you all a 'Merry Christmas' and a really 'Happy New Year'



Wednesday, 17 April 2013

New Womans clothing website...............

Just launched a brand new Womans Clothing and Accessories this is still being worked on as i am typing this but the potential we hope could be very good,the theory behind our way of thinking is clothing and beauty will always be in demand in good times and bad.

Woman always seem to find the money to look good as they feel it makes them feel good in side.

Once the website is finished then the hard work begins in promoting it,this is a ongoing job as if you stop when you get to the top in the search engine ranking then you can fall back very quickly if you stop.

Wish us luck on our new Venture.