Saturday, 1 September 2018

New Free Proxy site going crazy..........

Well be have had this site Free Proxy Server up and running for 2 whole months and the amount of traffic is staggering especially when you take into consideration how new it is.Of course we are not complaining,if the amount of visitors had been much lower then we would have questioned the viability of the site.

But we cannot complain,any new site and most folks are aware are very difficult in getting ny form of visitors,as usually it does take a fair amount of time.But the early indications are looking very encouraging for sure.

So over time,how long i am not really sure,we really do have big plans for this website,but transferring visitors into revenue is a totally different ball game.But getting the right balance of adverts ie amount and the placement of them on a site is another problem,one does not want way too many and it looks like you are spamming,as infact it can drive folks away.Have seen so many website with no end of forms of revenue adverts and it just looks terrible and revenue can be low,but then again we have seen some websites with just say 1 or 2 very discretely place adverts that make a huge amount of revenue,the trick is finding that happy balance.

Thats the latest on this new venture,so we are happy thus far.